Ultimate Guide On How To Improve Eyelash Extension Retention | eslashes

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Ultimate Guide On How To Improve Eyelash Extension Retention

September 15, 2022 3 min read

Ultimate Guide On How To Improve Eyelash Extension Retention - eslashes

There isn’t 1 simple thing you can do to get eyelash extensions to last. It’s a combination of all the little things that can make all the difference with your eyelash retention. In this article we’ll tackling some common questions like, How can I improve my lashing retention, why am I struggling with lash retention and what affects eyelash extension retention?


Prep and prime

Great lash retention all starts with proper preparation. If you’ve ever painted a wall, you know half the work is in the prep. If the wall isn’t patched, sanded and clean the paint won’t last. The same goes for eyelash extensions.

Cleaning dirt, oils and debris from the lashes is crucial if you want great retention. If the lashes aren’t clean, the glue will stick to the dirt instead of the natural lash. As soon as the client washes or rinses away the dirt, the lash extension follows.

Priming is equally as important as cleansing. It helps remove any excess oil that was not removed during the cleansing process. A clean lash free of oil is the ideal surface for glue and an eyelash extension to bond to. A product like eslashes primer works excellent to remove all oils and dirt. 


Use the right glue

Choosing the right lash glue can be a real game changer when it comes to lash retention. Make sure you are using a glue from a reputable company, with great reviews. Make sure your glue is fresh and is not close to the expiry date. Once a lash glue has been opened, it only lasts about 30 days. Write down the date you opened the glue to make sure you’re not using lash glue that’s past its prime.

Your glue dry time should also match your lashing speed. If it takes you 2 seconds from the time you dip the extension in glue, and place it on the natural lash you should be using a glue with a 1-2 second dry time. Using a glue with a .5 second dry time will result in poor lash retention. This is because the glue is drying to the extension before it has a chance to attach properly to the natural lash.


Best lash extension glue for retention

Starter Lash adhesive (5 - 6 weeks lash retention)

eslashes starter lash adhesive is recommended for beginner lash artists or those that are new to classic and volume lashing. This adhesive is not recommended for intermediate or advanced lash techs due to the slower drying time.

Rapid Lash adhesive (6 - 7 weeks lash retention)

eslashes rapid lash adhesive is perfect for both classic and volume lashing. This lash glue is recommended for intermediate to advanced lash artists who apply lashes quickly.

Expert Lash adhesive (7 - 8 weeks lash retention) 

eslashes expert lash adhesive is recommended for experienced lash artists who apply lashes very quickly. This adhesive is not recommended for beginners or intermediates due to the ultra-fast setting time.

eslashes eyelash extension adhesive comparison chart

Use correct attachment

The base of the extension needs to be flush with the natural lash. If the base is sticking up even slightly, this causes lash retention issues. Dirt, and oil can become trapped underneath the base of the extension weakening the bond. This results in eyelash extensions popping off before they should.


Make handmade volume fans

Handmade volume fans wrap around the natural lash. This means that multiple extension in the fan are in contact with the glue and the natural lash. More points of contact equals a stronger bond. Making your own handmade fans, and wrapping the natural lash provides the best lash retention.


Use superbonder

A bonder such as superbonderhelps cure the lash glue at the end of the appointment. It cures it from within, and creates a flexible bond. Washing lash extensions, combing them, face-sleeping, all of these things are constantly moving the lashes around. A flexible bond is needed so that lash extensions don’t pop off when they are touched.


Lash cleanser and aftercare

Natural lashes free of dirt and oil last longer. That’s because dirt and oil on the lashes can start to break down the adhesive over time. When it’s regularly removed, it doesn’t have a chance to do any damage. Using a lash safe cleanser not only keeps eyes healthy, but helps increase retention. Send client's home with a list of aftercare that they can follow to help with the best lash retention.


Eyelash Extension Retention checklist eslashes

Lash retention is definitely a team effort between the technician and the client. Follow these 7 tips to improve your clients lash extension retention. 


Watch our video on 7 Things That KILL Your Lash Retention & How To Fix Them

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