Lash Cards | Order Your Client Information Card for Lash Extensions Online - eslashes

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Client Information Lash Cards

FREE Lash Extension Client Card.  This digital download helps you be better organized for your lash extension appointments. Keep track of which lengths and styles were last used on a specific client, as well as additional notes or requests.

Please note: this is a digital download, physical client info cards will not be sent.

This digital download can be printed at home, or at your local printing store.

  • Size Standard Post Card Size 4"x6" (4.25"x6.25" Bleed for printing included)
When printing, change the “Scale” to 100% so it prints the correct size for the lash tray. If you leave your printer setting at “Scale to fit” it will print too large. Make sure to cut on the crop marks in the corner for fitting.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews

These are great TYSM :) Will deff help me keep my clients more organized.

Arabella Jensen

I'm so happy with your company!! Thank you for these and including all the lengths! Most others don't include the shorter and longer lengths as I have clients that have very long natural lashes and can handle the 20mm's. I also use the 6mm on clients too, so it's nice to have a complete client card!

Juliette Mora

You guys are the BEST! Love eslashes! xo

Amira Sloan

Thank you these are perfect, love that you included all the curls and lengths!! Now time for me to get these printed from Vista print lol!

Alyssa Leon

Thank you so much for these client cards!!!