How Long Does It Take To Apply Lash Extensions | eslashes

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How Long Does It Take To Apply Lash Extensions

July 21, 2022 2 min read

How Long Does It Take To Apply Lash Extensions - eslashes

Whether you’re thinking about getting professional eyelash extensions applied, or are a new artist applying eyelash extensions you may be wondering how long it takes to apply lash extensions. In this article we’ll go over how long it takes to apply lashes as a beginner and as an lash artist with more experience. 

First, we’ll go over the industry standard for lash application time. This is for an artist that has a decent amount of practice and experience.

Classic eyelash extension application time

  • Full classic lash set: 1.5-2 hours
  • Classic lash fill: 1 hour

Volume eyelash extension application time

  • Full volume lash set (using hand-made fans): 2-3 hours
  • Volume lash fill: 1.25-1.5 hours

This can vary, and will be longer for mega volume lashes or any add-on’s such as coloured lashes.

Applying lash extensions as a beginner

I want to take a minute to say that it really varies from person to person, and that is 100% okay! Just because your first set took 6 hours doesn’t mean you won’t be able to speed lash in the future. Comparison really is the thief of all joy so try not to compare yourself with lash techs on Instagram or even with classmates in your lash course. Technique is everything, so just focus on proper technique when you’re starting out. Speed will come with time, but bad habits are hard to lose. A beginner lash technician can take anywhere from 3-6 hours to apply their first FULL lash set.

I know that sounds wild, but even after a few practice runs, that timing will cut down significantly. If you only have two hours to practice on a live model, don’t turn them away. Just make sure you are applying lashes evenly between the two eyes. Even if you only get 30-40% of the extensions applied it’s still such great practice. The more you can practice on your mannequin head and live models the better. Practice makes progress, so keep at it and don’t forget to breathe, stretch and take some breaks. ;)

A beginner lash technician can take anywhere from 2-4 hours to complete their first lash extension fill.The same goes for a fill, the more you practice the faster you’ll get. I highly recommend taking as many clients for free as you can before you start charging. This way you’ll be more confident, and cut your timing down without the added stress.

Volume lash extensions fills

Both classic and volume lashes need to be filled every 2-3 weeks. Our lashes are constantly growing and shedding, so getting fills helps remove grown out lashes and refill the ones that have fallen out.

Applying volume lashes faster

Using premade fans or easy fans helps save so much time. It takes a lot of time and practice to make hand-made volume fans fast. A lot of lash artist like to combine hand-made fans with premades or easy fans to save time during volume appointments. Having an organized system in place also helps save time during appointments and throughout the day as a lash tech.

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