Do You Ever Need To Take A Break From Professional Eyelash Extensions? - eslashes

Do You Ever Need To Take A Break From Professional Eyelash Extensions?

August 24, 2023 4 min read

Do You Ever Need To Take A Break From Professional Eyelash Extensions? - eslashes

Eyelash extensions have become increasingly popular over the years, and it's no surprise why. They're a quick and easy way to enhance your natural lashes and make your eyes appear more vibrant and alluring. However, with any beauty treatment, it's essential to consider the impact it can have on your health and whether it's necessary to take a break from it. 

If you pulled up this article you may be wondering “Do you ever need to take a break from professional eyelash extensions?” The answer depends upon a few different things. Keep reading to find out if you need to take a break from lash extensions.


The Pros and Cons of Professional Eyelash Extensions

Like any beauty treatment, professional eyelash extensions have their pros and cons. On the one hand, they can enhance your natural beauty and save you time and effort in applying makeup. They can also boost your confidence and make you feel more glamorous. On the other hand, they require maintenance and upkeep, and they can be costly. Moreover, if not applied correctly, they can cause damage to your natural lashes, lead to infections, or trigger allergic reactions.


Properly Applied Lash Extensions

If your lash technician is applying your lashes safely, you haven’t had any irritation, and you are diligent with aftercare, I have good news for you. You can keep wearing those professional eyelash extensions indefinitely! I’ve had lash extensions on for 6 years straight (with a brief break during the pandemic) and my lashes are actually in better shape than they were when I used a lash curler and mascara.  

Your lash tech should be applying professional eyelash extensions that are:

  • A safe length for your natural lash
  • A safe weight for your natural lash
  • Properly isolated
  • Applied using the correct amount of glue


When should you take a break from professional eyelash extensions?

If you’ve had a set of lashes that were too long and heavy, or improperly appliedyou may want to take a break from professional eyelash extensions. Lash extensions should be removed by a professional lash technician. Don’t be afraid to check for references and credentials to make sure you’re going to someone who will do the job right. After your lash extensions have been removed, the lash technician can asses when your natural lashes will be ready for a safe, and properly applied lash set. 


How do I get my eyelashes back to normal after extensions?

Once the professional eyelash extensions have been removed, it’s time to give those lashes a break from everything except lash growth serum. Find a good quality lash growth serum to apply every night. If you’re looking for a natural alternative, Castor oil is a great natural way to grow longer and thicker eyelashes. I know it’s hard, but try to avoid mascara, eyelash curlers, and eye makeup as much as possible. This will give the eyelashes a chance to breath, and help then grow back faster.

Does Vaseline help your eyelashes grow?

No, Vaseline does not help eyelashes grow longer or faster. Vaseline does have moisturizing properties so it can help if your lashes or skin are dry.  


Signs of bad lash extensions:

  • Your eyelashes extensions hurt
  • Your eyelash line feels uncomfortable
  • You can’t brush through your lashes without feeling pulling
  • Your feel a pulling sensation as they start to grow out
  • Your extensions poke and irritate your eyes
  • You can visibly see clumps of glue or eyelashes glued together 

If your professional eyelash extensions are too long, or too heavy they can weight down on the natural lashes. Over time this can result in damaged lashes, and even hair loss. 20mm eyelash extensions are just not sustainable long term. If the lashes aren’t properly isolated, the natural lashes can end up being glued together, and being pulled out prematurely.

Just like when you get your hair waxed and over time the hairs can thin out, this can happen to your lashes if they are repeatedly pulled out before they shed naturally. Only a very tiny amount of eyelash extension glue is needed to apply an extension. Too much glue can result in extra weight being added to the natural lashes, or cause the lashes to become glued together.


Will getting eyelash extensions once ruin your lashes?

If they are applied properly, and you keep up faithfully with aftercare your natural eyelashes can grow healthy and long with eyelash extensions. If you get a bad set of lashes (ie. Express cluster volumes for $30) chances are you’ll know pretty quickly based on how uncomfortable they are. As long as you get a bad set of lashes removed, and follow the tips above you should be able to get your eyelashes back to their former glory in no time.


How long does it take for eyelashes to grow back after a damaging set of professional eyelash extensions?  

A general rule of thumb is about 6-8 weeks with a lash growth serum. Keep in mind everyone’s lashes are different, and all of our lashes grow in cycles.

Lash Growth Cycle eslashes


In conclusion, while professional eyelash extensions can enhance your natural beauty and give you a more dramatic look, it's essential to consider the potential impact they can have on your lash health. Taking a break from lash extensions can help your natural lashes recover and prevent damage or infections. If you're experiencing any issues with your natural lashes or allergic reactions, it's crucial to consult with a professional and consider taking a break from extensions. However, with proper maintenance and care, you can enjoy the benefits of eyelash extensions while keeping your natural lashes healthy and strong.


Watch Our Video On 4 Reasons Why Do Your Eyelash Extensions Hurt?

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